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조인트 헬스

Discover the remarkable health-giving properties of Deep Blue Health Sea Cucumber. We unlock nature's secret in a product that is pure, potent and affordable.

The unassuming sea cucumber is loaded with actives that are thought to be effective in assisting with the treatment of certain cancers. Our farm-raised New Zealand Sea Cucumber is rich in such anti-cancer and anti-tumour compounds. Deep Blue Health enables users to access the benefits of Sea Cucumber without paying extortionate pricing that less ethical marketers charge for their sea cucumber-based products.

Sea cucumber contains significant levels of triterpene glycosides or saponins. These are compounds that are “are known to exhibit cytotoxicity against a variety of tumor cells”. Deep Blue Health sea cucumber contains at least four triterpenoids, and these have been shown to provide promising results against breast, pancreatic and bowel cancer, and also leukaemia in controlled studies.

For these properties alone sea cucumber provides an impressive range of actions that may support the immune systems of cancer compromised patients, although sea cucumber is also used in traditional medicines to treat a broad spectrum of other conditions. It also provides relief from joint pain and inflammation, especially for osteoarthritus suffers and is also thought to reduce high blood pressure, and is contains powerful antioxidants.

Other bio-actives found in sea cucumber are compounds such as saponic glycosides that similar to compounds found in well-known therapeutic herbs such as Ginseng and Ganderma. Sea Cucumber powder is also a rich source of polysaccharide chondroitin sulphate, a compound with an action similar to glucosamine sulphate, a compound that is useful for treating osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulphate is also found in Green Lipped Mussel.

Deep Blue Health Sea Cucumber extract is produced from 100% Sea Cucumber in a preparation which has been gutted and freeze dried and encapsulated for you to conveniently enjoy its benefits.

Try Deep Blue Health Sea Cucumber for yourself here.


Health and beauty go hand-in-hand, so it makes sense to improve your health if you want to look good. You might think of skin as a soft and delicate tissue, but it has to be strong and resilient to withstand the daily wear-and-tear it endures. It turns out skin can be both delicate and tough, given the correct nutrition and care.

Acne is a concern for many young adults. Despite the way it looks, acne is not necessarily caused by poor hygiene. Even doctors struggle to treat acne. Nutrition is an important factor that contributes to the quality of skin and the way it looks.

Oyster powder is a wholefood supplement. There is no doubt that oysters offer some remarkable properties that can have a marked effect on skin, acne and other skin disorders. Unfortunately, fresh oysters are a delicacy that can be hard to get and are, to some, an aquired taste. Oyster powder capsules are a convenient way to get all the benefits of fresh oysters year round.

Zinc and Selenium are essential minerals your body needs to stay vibrant and healthy. Without them, children fail to thrive and adults can become tired, experience hair loss and poor wound healing. The fact is that teenagers, vegetarians and people who diet often, can easily become deficient in these important nutrients.

Deep Blue Health Zinc Complex is a natural oyster supplement with added Zinc and Selenium that can nourish skin, reduce inflammation and improve your complexion by controlling the rate of cell renewal and skin repair.


We all have an internal army, known as the immune system. This microscopic army is equipped with an arsenal of cells and mechanisms to neutralise and destroy most invaders. Exposure to viruses and infectious bacteria is a daily occurrence (1), but excessive use of anti-bacterial products is not the answer. With the correct nutritional support, our bodies have the ability to fight off most colds and infections naturally.

Lifestyle and food choices play an important role in fortifying our defences. Hot lemon and honey drinks and plenty of rest can help recovery from the average cold. But natural health supplements can strengthen the immune system and help our bodies to deal with the symptoms of flu, colds and bacterial infections quickly.

Natural herbal supplements such as garlic (2) and olive leaf (3) support virus defence by sabotaging the disease-causing agents before they have a chance to wreck havoc.

Colostrum has recently become recognised as a powerful immune booster because it contains high levels of immunoglobulins (4), which are the antibodies responsible for fighting off disease. IgG (immunoglobulin G), in particular is thought to promote wellness. Try our 100% Colostrum capsules or chewable Milk Colostrum tablets for all ages.

Bee Pollen and Propolis (5) are potent natural products full of nutrients to boost immune defences and designed by nature.

Wisdom tells us that prevention is better than cure, so maintaining a healthy, active immune system is the best way to prevent an all out invasion of viruses and disease-causing agents.

  1. http://pathmicro.med.sc.edu/mhunt/flu.htm - Influenza virus
  2. http://www.phytochemicals.info/phytochemicals/allicin.php - Garlic
  3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC379901/ Abstract H. P. Fleming, W. M. Walter, Jr., and J. L. Etchells 1973
  4. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/immunoglobulins - Immunoglobulins
  5.  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/patient-propolis.html - Propolis

Colostrum is the highly nutritious ‘first milk’ produced by the mother for the newborn in its first few days of life. Colostrum contains many different nutrients including proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes as well as important immune factors and immunoglobulins (also known as antibodies). These antibodies are made by the mother’s immune cells and are passed to the newborn in the Colostrum providing critical protection from bacterial and viral infections while the baby’s own immune system is in an immature state.

The three main types of immunoglobulin are IgG, IgA and IgM and each plays a specific role in the immune response and defending the body against infection. IgG antibodies are the most predominant and circulate in the bloodstream and other body fluids primed to bind to and inactivate disease-causing antigens as they are encountered.

Taking a Colostrum supplement can help boost your immunoglobulin levels and strengthen your immune system. Colostrum contains immune factors that keep the immune response in balance and also immune proteins called PRPs (proline rich polypeptides) that fine-tune the way the white blood cells respond to antigens such as viruses and bacteria.

In colostrum-containing products the IgG content is used as the measure of potency of the Colostrum to ensure consistency is maintained. Deep Blue Health Colostrum products contain approximately 23% IgG at the time of manufacture which means that when tested our products always exceed the 20% IgG content as stated on the product label.

Deep Blue Health Colostrum is available in powder, tablet and capsule forms. The most potent way to take Colostrum is the 100% Colostrum capsules but for children or those who find it difficult to swallow capsules the Milk Colostrum chewable tablets are a great option. Milk Colostrum Powder comes as a 450g can of milk powder mixed with Colostrum and Zinc.

조인트 헬스

Bones are amazing structures.  Far from being hard, brittle and lifeless – they are a dynamic living tissue which serves a multitude of purposes.
Bones are continually remodelling, are involved in blood-cell production and act as a mineral store for the body as a whole.

The strength and quality of bones is determined early in life and their mass does not increase much after the first two decades(1). It is no
exaggeration to say that bone growth in children has a lasting impact on quality of life in later years.

Infant bones are extremely soft and flexible because they are composed largely of cartilage. Throughout childhood and into adolescence bones
are growing and hardening(2). Peak bone mass occurs during the mid-twenties for most people and bones do not grow in length or density
beyond thirty(3). Nonetheless bone repair and remodelling are life-long processes.

Osteoporosis is a progressive disease characterised by a loss of bone mass and quality, resulting in an increased risk of fractures. Medical
opinion is that apart from the genetic influence, Osteoporosis is largely preventable. Diet, lifestyle and environment are the most important
variable factors. Consequently, it is now identified as a disease that can begin in childhood with less than optimal bone growth(3). Bones have
a high mineral content which makes them solid and durable.

Minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium and carbonate are predominant. Bones are also flexible because of the collagen
(a structural protein), content.  For optimum bone health, there is no substitute for exercise and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
In addition, foods that are high in protein and rich in calcium(4)are necessary to ensure strong bones. All vitamins, but especially vitamin D
are essential for healthy bone growth.

Natural health supplements provide nutrients that assist in optimum bone growth and maintenance. Colostrum and Goat Milk supplements are
a source of protein and minerals. Marine Collagen and Shark Cartilage provide some of the building blocks of bone.

Deep Blue Health products which can improve bone growth are;
Colostrum - a nutritious dairy product for healthy growth and development.
Goat Milk - low in calories and rich in calcium and protein, ideal for people adverse to dairy. Available in both powder and tablets.
Green Lipped Mussel - rich in vitamins, minerals, Omega3 and glycosaminoglycans which work together to reduce inflammation and improve
bone growth.
Marine Collagen - rich in proteins which make up fibrous tissues in bones.  
Milk Colostrum Junior - helps support the immune system and assist with growth and development.

070. 7878. 9454
mom - fri 한국시간 5:00 am - 1:00 pm
(뉴질랜드시간 9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
sat, sun, NZ holiday off
SC제일은행 : 359-20-296906
국민은행 : 853801-04132221
예금주 : 박종혁
반품 주소 : 상품 반품 배송이 가능한 사용하시는 주소를 기재해 주세요.
택배 정보 : 우체국택배

- 고객님 단순 변심일 경우 택배비 고객님 부담입니다. 
- 상품수령 후 7일 이내 교환/반품 가능합니다.
070. 7878. 9454
mom - fri 한국시간 5:00 am - 1:00 pm
(뉴질랜드시간 9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
sat, sun, NZ holiday off
SC제일은행 : 359-20-296906
국민은행 : 853801-04132221
예금주 : 박종혁
반품 주소 : 상품 반품 배송이 가능한 사용하시는 주소를 기재해 주세요.
택배 정보 : 우체국택배

- 고객님 단순 변심일 경우 택배비 고객님 부담입니다. 
- 상품수령 후 7일 이내 교환/반품 가능합니다.


